Online shopping has made the modern world even more convenient. You’re able to conveniently shop from the comfort of your own home and have your order delivered right to your door. This convenience is also available in getting plants and goods for your garden.
The difference between buying plants online vs other products is that plants are considered ‘live goods’. Extra care is needed when shipping, here is how its done.
Once an ordered has been received

Once a customer has placed an order via the online store the team starts prepping the order for collection:
- Order processing – Selecting the best quality plants from the selection. Only the healthiest plants are selected to ensure they are strong enough for their journey.
- Inspection – Each plant is inspected to ensure they are in the best quality. Inspecting for pests and/illnesses.
- Swapping – If a plant does not meet our standards for shipping it will be replaced with a different plant. Ensuring only the best quality is shipped.
- Watering – Once the plants have passed inspection they will be given a good watering to ensure they do not dry out during the shipping process.
- Packing – After assembling enforced cardboard boxes the plants are tightly packed into the box. They are tightly packed to ensure they do not move around during transit – if not they could suffer damage.
- Sealing – Once the plants have been packed the boxes are trimmed down to just above the plants to further ensure they are safely secured in the box. The box is then taped off.
Preparing for courier collection

Once the plants have safely and securely been packed into the boxes further steps are taken in preparation for the couriers:
- Disclaimer stickers – the plants will be passed through a number of hands before reaching their new home. Disclaimer stickers on the box ensures that everyone involved is aware that extra care is needed.
- Booking for collection – Collection is booked for the same day as they are packed. This ensures the plants are not kept longer in the box than needed. Depending on the destination, collection is booked early enough to ensure the plants are not stored over weekends.
- Courier used – The same courier company is used for all deliveries, this ensures the company is familiar with the product and shipping needs.
Once the plants have been collected it is up to the third party couriers to safely deliver them to their new home. The team closely monitors the journey to ensure that everything runs smoothly. If there are any delays the customer is notified immediately.
Once the plants have been delivered to their new home there are a few steps the customer is encourage to take:
- Carefully remove all the plants from the box and inspect for any damages. Notify the team if anything is amiss
- Give the plants a good watering. It is recommended to immediately give the plants a good soaking, this just helps it recover from any potential shock from traveling. Place in the required lighting conditions for a couple of days before planting out.
- Enjoy your new plants 🙂