February is the last month of summer gardening before the season starts to change. Not entirely sure what you should be doing this month? Here is a quick guide to ensure your garden stays happy and healthy!
Feed your autumn flowering plants
With the colder season being a couple months away you want to start getting your autumn flowering plants ready for the soon to be changing seasons. Plants such as clivias, dahlias, and amaryllis will benefit from a general fertilizer feeding this month. By feeding them now your plants will be producing their best blooms come Autumn.
Feed your citrus trees
Growing your own produce has so many benefits but we need to make sure that they keep producing lovely fruits. Apply a 3:1:5 fertilizer that will provide all the nutrients that your tree needs to keep producing fruits all season long.
Feed and replace annuals
It has been quite a long rough summer on annuals – Luckily there is still some time before summer annuals need to change to winter annuals. There is still time to replace any sad looking annuals with new ones for a colourful garden. Give your existing annuals a little boost with a fertilizer to give them a little lift before the changing season.
Feed winter blooming plants
It’s not quite yet time for winter blooms but to ensure your winter blooms are the most beautiful, now is the time to feed them a fertilizer. By feeding them regularing leading up to their blooming season you’re ensuring that your plant produces stunning blooms. Some winter flowering plants such as azaleas and camellias do best with an ‘acid loving’ fertilizer.
Deadhead roses
Deadheading is important to keep your rose bush looking the best. It is an easy process of snipping off any dead blooms to help encourage new growth. By removing the dead blooms the plant will divert its energy into producing new blooms, this helps ensure no energy is wasted by the plant.
Pests and diseases to look for:
Due to all the rain we have been having it is possible that some of your roses have developed some black spot. Treat with Rose Care to effectively ensure your roses stay healthy and happy.
Pay particular attention to red spider mites on your roses. Use a magnifying glass to check the undersides of the leaves. Rose care is also effective against pests on roses.
Be on the lookout for fungal infections like fairy ring, dollar spot and brown patches on your lawn.
Lookout for mole crickets, ants, harvester termites, and snails that may be damaging to your plants and lawn.
If you have anymore questions on how to get your garden February ready reach out to us in store or online and we will gladly assist!