Best ground cover plants for all areas of your garden
Tired of snuffing out stubborn weeds and trying to achieve defined spaces in your garden? A simple solution to both – growing ground cover plants.
Tired of snuffing out stubborn weeds and trying to achieve defined spaces in your garden? A simple solution to both – growing ground cover plants.
KELPAK Fertiliser Group 2 | Registration No. L5756 – ACT 36 OF 1947 FERTILISER DESCRIPTION: Kelpak is a plant growth regulator which will improve root,
PALMPEAT FERTILISER DESCRIPTION Palm Peat is a uniform, consistent, high quality horticultural growing medium, which ensures good germination of seed, and vigorous root, plant and
BONEMEAL Fertiliser Group 2 | Registration No. K2936 – ACT 36 OF 1947 FERTILISER DESCRIPTION: Bonemeal is a pure, sterilized, powdered organic plant food, ideally
Just like humans need and desire a companion in life, plants are the same. Plants that get planted together grow into much happier and healthier
Biosoil A Concentrate solution of Humic and Fulvic acids that can be applied as a source of carbon and biological supplement for improved soil quality.
Most fertilizers consist out of three major macronutrients, N-P-K. On the fertilizer packaging it is usually displayed as three numbers indicating the percentage of each
SK Eco Oil Spray is a food grade, emulsified mineral oil, manufactured thru patented refining technology making it the safest mineral oil for growers, consumers, and
April in many respects is one of the most important months of the year for many keen gardeners around South Africa. The summer season has
Ka gofisha, Tse dingwe tsa matlakala a dimela a tla omella. Go kota matlakala ana, matlakala a a shetseng a humana phepo e swanetseng, le
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